
Friendship SMS

Friendship is not a game
Friendship is not a game to play, It is not a word to say,
It doesn't start on March and ends on May,
It is tomorrow, yesterday, today and everyday.

A friend is sweet when
A friend is sweet when it is new…
it is sweeter when it is true….
but you know that…..
it is the sweetest when it is you…”

Why don't you leave ur friend
Moon said to me,
if ur friend is not messaging u why dont you leave ur friend.
I looked at moon and said does ur sky ever leave u when u dont shine.

All friends never split
I met U as a stranger,
I leave U as a friend,
as long as the world stands,
our friendship will never ends.
All friends never split  
even if they do they will
meet again.

Friendship is a little
Friendship is a little more trust,
A little less try,
A little more laugh,
And a little less cry,
A little more WE and a little less I.

Happy Friendship Day!!!

Walk with me
Walk with me when ur hearts needs company,
take my hand when u feel all alone,
turn to me when u need some1 to lean on,
coz I'm a friend u can always depend on .

A true friend
A true friend understands when you say, "I forgot"
Waits forever when you say, "1 minute"
Stays when you say, "leave me alone"
and opens the door, "even before you knock.."

Friendship day wish
Look Outside it's So Pleasant!
Sun Smiling 4 U !
Trees Dancing 4 U !
Birds Singing 4 U !
Because, I Asked Them All 2 Wish You

"A Happy Friendship Day"

You are my sweet friend!!  
Sometimes my mind asks
Why? I miss u,
Why? I care 4 u,
Why? I remember u
Then my heart answered
Its simply bcoz you are my sweet friend!! 

Our friendship will never end.
The rain may be falling hard outside,
But your smile makes it all alright.
I’m so glad that you’re my friend.
I know our friendship will never end.